Posts Tagged ‘blog’

How To Work Twitter: Part 4

May 5, 2010

When it comes to basic Twitter functionality, the list is the last of the main features I need to cover in this ‘How To’ series.  So, let’s dive right into it.

What is a list?  In my own words, the list is Twitter’s answer to Facebook groups.  If you’re not familiar with Facebook yet, then you can consider a list to be, quite simply, a way to organize your followers.  Why create lists?  Well, say you manage the Twitter account for your nonprofit or small business and you follow 300 other people.  Some are coworkers or volunteers, some are donors, some are sponsors, some are business partners, and some are just regular followers.  Lists provide you with an excellent way to organize who you follow.

When you start to follow lots of people, it can get hard to keep up with every single Tweet that gets sent out.  Lists can quickly and efficiently assist you with catching up.  Maybe you need an idea for a fund raiser or new product promotion.  Quickly browse the list or lists that contain your business partners or competition.  Maybe their content can inspire you.  Need to hire an employee or find a volunteer?  Check out the Tweets of the people on your volunteer or customers list.  Maybe you can find a lead.  Bottom line, lists help you make sense of the cacophony of tweeting that occurs when you start to follow lots of people.

OK…so how do you create a list?  On the right side of your home page, you’ll see a ‘New List’ link on your tool bar, right under the ‘Lists’ heading (how novel!).  Click that and a pop-up appears.  Name your list, explain it if you wish, and make it public or private.  I suggest public, because lists are good tools for your followers to find the people you value…it’s all about networking.  Create your lists and start adding.  The easiest way to add someone to a list is by locating them on your ‘Followers’ page (just tap the word ‘followers’ under the number of followers you have, shown on your home page.  You’ll see a little list icon next to that cog icon we talked about.  The drop down will allow you to add this person to the list (or lists) that you already created.  When you want to take a look at the lists you’ve created, just click the name of the list you want to see.  It will be located on the right side under ‘Lists’ after you create it.  What you’ll see here is a feed made up of the people you put on the list, in chronological order.  The more people on the list, the busier it will be.

It’s that easy.  Along with the value you gain from organizing your followers, you’ll find some value in how happy people are to be listed.  Quite often, you’ll get a ‘thank you’ mention or direct message.  And, quite often, you’ll get added to a list in return.  If you want to take a look at the lists you’ve been added to, click the ‘listed’ number next to ‘following’ and ‘followers’ on the right side if your home page.

Has this ‘How To’ series helped?  Leave me some feedback if you’d like to read explanations of Facebook or  YouTube in this format.

Where are you with your social media activity?

May 3, 2010

In an effort to take a break from the pure informational nature of this blog, I’d like to start a discussion about where you are with your social media plan?  My hope is to get some lively, group-style exchanges going so that we can all learn from each other.  Newbie, expert, casual user, or business user…tell me what you’re up to on sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flikr, or any of the free blog sites.

If you’re an avid user, feel free to plug your site or your service, too.

Speaking of Twitter…

April 19, 2010

Are my blog followers following me on Twitter? I tweet a lot of good articles and ideas from other experts. Make sure you follow me as a supplement to this blog!

Twitter handle: JohnJStone

Starting Slow, or A Slow Start?

March 31, 2010

It’s been almost a week now and I have yet to capture a single follower. I’ve been hitting a few forums and chiming in, I started following some social media enthusiasts in hopes that they would see my project and it would intrigue them enough to follow, and I’ve been actively contributing on Facebook in social media circles. Not. One. Follower.

Am I upset? Not at all. Why? First, the project isn’t about attracting an audience. My hope was that an audience would grow organically, but my goal doesn’t involve one. My goal is to become a social media expert. And to consider yourself among the best at anything, you have suck at it for awhile.

I’ve received a few e-mails from some people on LinkedIn. But, they were mostly trying to lead me to consultants and experts to help me and my company develop a social media strategy. While I’m excited that someone is even paying attention, that’s not what my project is about. Sure, I want to read, hear, and watch anything and everything that an expert has to say. But, I don’t want them to do anything for me.

So, that’s where I am right now. Sucking at social media. Writing a blog that no one in my family is even interested in. It might phase somebody. But, not me!

If you’re reading this, and you have some thoughts and stories to share with me about how YOU got started in blogging or building a social media empire of your own, please share! And, as always, feel free to tell me what I can do to improve!